Charlotte Carney

“Appreciate the people in your life that inspire you to do great things”

My art is a reflection of who I am. It captures themes of family, friendship, and happiness. It celebrates the goodness and joy in the world, with each piece representing the important people in my life. Vibrant colors are central to my work, infusing spaces with light and energy. I create alternate realities inspired by my experiences, crafting magical worlds filled with passion and joy. I primarily use watercolor for my children's books, allowing the colors to flow and blend together in a way that evokes nostalgia—much like the books of my childhood. My paintings are done with acrylic paint. It dries quickly, allowing me to keep going with the ideas in my head and unlocking a new world of colors.  Illustrators like Quentin Blake inspire me to embrace the freedom of painting without boundaries. It’s the imperfections and the willingness to color outside the lines that often lead to the most beautiful creations. My art is a celebration of life and a reminder to keep your imagination throughout adulthood and cherish those in your life who celebrate with you.